John Williams

John Williams (August 29, 1922 – March 3, 1994) was an American author, editor, and professor. He is best known for his novel 'Stoner' which was published in 1965 and later gained a cult following for its poignant depiction of the life of a university professor. Williams also wrote 'Butcher's Crossing', 'Augustus' (for which he won a U.S. National Book Award), and 'The Man Who Cried I Am', among other works. His writing is characterized by its clear prose and complex examination of the human experience.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Stoner

    The novel follows the life of William Stoner, a farm boy turned academic, who becomes a professor of English literature at the University of Missouri. Despite his love for teaching and his passion for literature, Stoner's life is marked by a series of personal and professional disappointments, including a loveless marriage, an unsuccessful career, and a failed relationship with a fellow professor. Throughout his life, Stoner remains dedicated to his work, finding solace and purpose in his commitment to the life of the mind.

  2. 2. Augustus

    "Augustus" is a historical novel that provides a comprehensive and vivid account of the life of Rome's first emperor, from his early years as a young and inexperienced politician, to his rise to power and his reign, which brought about the Pax Romana. The book presents a complex and humanized portrayal of Augustus, exploring his relationships, his philosophical reflections, his political strategies, and the challenges he faced in his personal and public life. The narrative is composed of fictional letters, memoirs, and other documents, providing a multi-faceted perspective on this pivotal figure and his era.