
Aristophanes was an ancient Greek playwright, often referred to as the Father of Comedy. He is known for his satirical plays that provide insight into societal norms and political life in ancient Athens. His surviving works, including 'Lysistrata,' 'The Birds,' and 'The Clouds,' are still studied and performed today for their humorous and critical portrayal of Athenian society.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Lysistrata

    "Lysistrata" is a comedic play set in ancient Greece, where the women of Athens, led by the eponymous character, decide to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers in order to force them to negotiate a peaceful end to the Peloponnesian War. Along with the women of Sparta, they seize the Acropolis and the treasury, and through their non-violent resistance, they manage to bring about a reconciliation between the warring states. The play is a humorous exploration of gender roles and the power of passive resistance.

  2. 2. The Birds

    This ancient Greek comedy play revolves around two men who are fed up with the problems of human society and decide to create a utopian city in the clouds with the help of birds. Their city, 'Cloudcuckooland', becomes popular and attracts gods and humans alike, leading to a series of humorous and satirical events. The play is a satire on political and social life in Athens, poking fun at its democracy, bureaucracy, and warfare.

  3. 3. The Clouds

    "The Clouds" is a satirical play that critiques the intellectual and moral corruption of Athenian society by focusing on a father-son relationship. The father, in an effort to evade debt, sends his son to a school of sophistry to learn the art of manipulating language and logic to win arguments. The story explores themes of education, morality, and the conflict between traditional and modern values. The play is well-known for its critical portrayal of Socrates as a sophist and its comedic elements.

  4. 4. The Knights

    "The Knights" is a satirical comedy that delves into the political landscape of ancient Athens, critiquing the city's leadership through the allegory of a household. The play focuses on the conflict between a noble but dimwitted horseman and a cunning and manipulative sausage-seller, both vying for the favor of their master, who represents the Athenian people. The sausage-seller, with the help of the chorus of knights, ultimately triumphs, symbolizing the hope for a new and better leader. The work is a pointed commentary on the demagoguery and corruption of the time, using humor and absurdity to explore themes of power, populism, and the responsibilities of citizenship.

  5. 5. The Assemblywomen

    In this ancient Greek comedy, the women of Athens, fed up with the mismanagement and corruption of male politicians, disguise themselves as men to take over the city's assembly. Once in power, they institute a series of radical reforms, including the communal sharing of wealth and property, and the requirement that the most attractive men must sleep with the ugliest women first to ensure fairness in love. The play satirizes gender roles, political life in Athens, and the utopian solutions to societal problems, all while delivering a humorous yet pointed critique of the effectiveness of democratic governance and the nature of power.

  6. 6. The Frogs

    "The Frogs" is a classic comedic play that delves into the world of Greek mythology and literature. The story follows the god Dionysus as he descends into the underworld with his slave Xanthias. Dionysus seeks to bring back the recently deceased tragedian Euripides to save the city from its cultural decline. However, upon arrival, he finds himself amidst a heated debate between Euripides and Aeschylus, another deceased playwright, over who is the greatest tragedian. A competition ensues, judged by Hades, leading to a series of humorous critiques of their plays and styles. The play is a satirical examination of Athenian society and the role of art and culture, filled with witty dialogue and commentary on the nature of theater.

  7. 7. The Wasps

    "The Wasps" is a classical Greek comedy that satirizes the Athenian legal system and the citizenry's obsession with litigation. The play revolves around an elderly man, Philocleon, who is addicted to serving on juries and the comical lengths to which his son, Bdelycleon, goes to cure him of this addiction. The son eventually manages to keep his father at home by staging a mock trial of household pets, highlighting the absurdity of the legal proceedings. Through sharp wit and humor, the play critiques the flaws of democracy and the frivolity of the Athenian courts, while also exploring themes of generational conflict and the nature of justice.