The 100 Best Novels of the 20th Century

This is one of the 284 lists we use to generate our main The Greatest Books list.

  • Ulysses by James Joyce

    Set in Dublin, the novel follows a day in the life of Leopold Bloom, an advertising salesman, as he navigates the city. The narrative, heavily influenced by Homer's Odyssey, explores themes of identity, heroism, and the complexities of everyday life. It is renowned for its stream-of-consciousness style and complex structure, making it a challenging but rewarding read.

  • In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust

    This renowned novel is a sweeping exploration of memory, love, art, and the passage of time, told through the narrator's recollections of his childhood and experiences into adulthood in the late 19th and early 20th century aristocratic France. The narrative is notable for its lengthy and intricate involuntary memory episodes, the most famous being the "madeleine episode". It explores the themes of time, space and memory, but also raises questions about the nature of art and literature, and the complex relationships between love, sexuality, and possession.

  • The Trial by Franz Kafka

    The book revolves around a bank clerk who wakes one morning to find himself under arrest for an unspecified crime. Despite not being detained, he is subjected to the psychological torment of a bizarre and nightmarish judicial process. The story is a critique of bureaucracy, exploring themes of guilt, alienation and the inefficiency of the justice system.

  • Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann

    The novel is a reimagining of the Faust legend set in the context of the first half of the 20th century and the turmoil of Germany in that period. It tells the story of a composer who makes a pact with the devil, exchanging his soul for unlimited creative genius. The protagonist's life and work reflect the cultural and political journey of Germany leading up to World War II, providing a deep exploration of the individual's role in a society undergoing dramatic change. The novel is also a profound meditation on the nature of time, the art and the artist, and the destructiveness of human ambition.

  • The Devil to Pay in the Backlands by Joao Guimaraes Rosa

    "The Devil to Pay in the Backlands" is a complex narrative that follows the life of a Brazilian sertanejo (backlands dweller) who becomes a bandit and a feared killer. Tormented by his violent actions, he embarks on a metaphysical journey, wrestling with philosophical and religious questions, and trying to reconcile his deep belief in fate and predestination with his own free will. The book is notable for its innovative language, blending regional dialects with neologisms and classical references, which adds to its rich portrayal of the Brazilian backlands.

  • The Castle by Franz Kafka

    This novel presents the story of a man who arrives in a village and struggles to gain access to the mysterious authorities who govern it from a castle. The protagonist, a surveyor, faces the constant frustration of his efforts to make contact with the elusive authorities and integrate into village society. The book explores themes of alienation, bureaucracy, the seemingly endless frustrations of man's attempts to stand against the system, and the futile pursuit of an unobtainable goal.

  • The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann

    In this novel, the protagonist, a young, ordinary man, visits his cousin at a tuberculosis sanatorium in the Swiss Alps. Intending to stay for only a few weeks, he ends up remaining there for seven years, becoming a patient himself. The book explores his experiences and relationships with other patients and staff, delving into philosophical discussions on life, time, and the nature of disease. It also provides a vivid portrayal of the European society and intellectual life on the eve of World War I.

  • The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner

    The novel is a complex exploration of the tragic Compson family from the American South. Told from four distinct perspectives, the story unfolds through stream of consciousness narratives, each revealing their own understanding of the family's decline. The characters grapple with post-Civil War societal changes, personal loss, and their own mental instability. The narrative is marked by themes of time, innocence, and the burdens of the past.

  • The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil

    "The Man Without Qualities" is a satirical novel set in Vienna during the last days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It follows the life of Ulrich, a thirty-two-year-old mathematician, who is in search of a sense of life and reality but is caught up in the societal changes and political chaos of his time. The book explores themes of existentialism, morality, and the search for meaning in a rapidly changing world.

  • Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

    This complex and challenging novel is renowned for its experimental style and intricate, dreamlike narrative. It explores the story of a publican in Dublin, his wife, and their three children, but the plot is not linear and often veers into surreal and abstract territory. The book is dense with linguistic games, puns, and allusions to a myriad of cultural, historical, and mythological sources. The narrative is circular, ending in the middle of a sentence that is completed at the start of the book, embodying the cyclical nature of life and history.

  • Death of Virgil by Hermann Broch

    The novel explores the final hours of the Roman poet Virgil, who, while on his deathbed, contemplates the value and impact of his life's work, particularly his unfinished epic, the Aeneid. The narrative is a complex, stream-of-consciousness meditation on art, life, and death, with Virgil wrestling with his desire to burn his epic and the emperor's command to preserve it. The book delves into themes of the meaning of human existence, the role of art in society, and the clash between the individual's inner world and the external world.

  • Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

    This classic novel follows the journey of a seaman who travels up the Congo River into the African interior to meet a mysterious ivory trader. Throughout his journey, he encounters the harsh realities of imperialism, the brutal treatment of native Africans, and the depths of human cruelty and madness. The protagonist's journey into the 'heart of darkness' serves as both a physical exploration of the African continent and a metaphorical exploration into the depths of human nature.

  • The Stranger by Albert Camus

    The narrative follows a man who, after the death of his mother, falls into a routine of indifference and emotional detachment, leading him to commit an act of violence on a sun-drenched beach. His subsequent trial becomes less about the act itself and more about his inability to conform to societal norms and expectations, ultimately exploring themes of existentialism, absurdism, and the human condition.

  • The Unnamable by Samuel Beckett

    "The Unnamable" is a complex, stream-of-consciousness narrative that explores themes of existence, identity, and the nature of reality. The protagonist, who lacks a clear identity, is trapped in a void and continually questions his existence and reality. As he grapples with his own consciousness, he attempts to tell his story, but constantly doubts and revises it, creating a cyclical, fragmented narrative. The novel is known for its challenging, abstract prose and its exploration of existentialist themes.

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    This novel is a multi-generational saga that focuses on the Buendía family, who founded the fictional town of Macondo. It explores themes of love, loss, family, and the cyclical nature of history. The story is filled with magical realism, blending the supernatural with the ordinary, as it chronicles the family's experiences, including civil war, marriages, births, and deaths. The book is renowned for its narrative style and its exploration of solitude, fate, and the inevitability of repetition in history.

  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

    Set in a dystopian future, the novel explores a society where human beings are genetically bred and pharmaceutically conditioned to serve in a ruling order. The society is divided into five castes, each with its specific roles. The narrative follows a savage who rejects the norms of this new world order and struggles to navigate the clash between the values of his upbringing and the reality of this technologically advanced, emotionless society. His resistance prompts a deep examination of the nature of freedom, individuality, and happiness.

  • Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

    The novel chronicles a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, a high-society woman in post-World War I England, as she prepares for a party she is hosting that evening. Throughout the day, she encounters various characters from her past, including a former suitor and a shell-shocked war veteran. The narrative jumps back and forth in time and in and out of different characters' minds, exploring themes of mental illness, existentialism, and the nature of time.

  • To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

    This novel is a pioneering work of modernist literature that explores the Ramsay family's experiences at their summer home on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. The narrative is divided into three sections, focusing on a day in the family's life, a description of the house during their absence, and their return after ten years. The book is known for its stream of consciousness narrative technique and its exploration of topics such as the passage of time, the nature of art, and the female experience.

  • The Ambassadors by Henry James

    The novel centers around a middle-aged man named Lambert Strether who is sent from New England to Paris by a wealthy widow, Mrs. Newsome, to convince her wayward son, Chad, to return home. However, upon arriving in Europe, Strether is charmed by the sophisticated lifestyle Chad has adopted and finds himself questioning the puritanical values of his homeland. He also becomes entangled in romantic relationships and complex social dynamics, leading him to ultimately question his loyalty to Mrs. Newsome. The book explores themes of morality, identity, and the concept of the American versus European lifestyle.

  • Confessions of Zeno by Italo Svevo

    "Confessions of Zeno" is a satirical, semi-autobiographical novel that follows the life of Zeno Cosini, a neurotic Italian businessman, as he tries to quit smoking. The book is presented as a diary, written at the suggestion of Zeno's psychoanalyst, and it details Zeno's thoughts on his health, his family, his business ventures, and his infatuation with a beautiful woman. Throughout the story, Zeno's attempts to quit smoking serve as a metaphor for his struggles with his personal weaknesses and his quest for self-understanding.

  • Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

    The novel tells the story of Humbert Humbert, a man with a disturbing obsession for young girls, or "nymphets" as he calls them. His obsession leads him to engage in a manipulative and destructive relationship with his 12-year-old stepdaughter, Lolita. The narrative is a controversial exploration of manipulation, obsession, and unreliable narration, as Humbert attempts to justify his actions and feelings throughout the story.

  • Paradiso by José Lezama Lima

    "Paradiso" is a dense and lyrical novel that delves into the life of a young Cuban man named José Cemí, exploring his intellectual and sensual coming-of-age against the backdrop of early 20th-century Havana. The narrative is rich with poetic language and complex imagery, weaving together themes of family, sexuality, and the search for identity. Through a series of vivid, dreamlike episodes, the protagonist's personal growth is paralleled with the cultural and historical evolution of Cuba itself, presenting a tapestry of philosophical reflections and a deep dive into the nature of reality, time, and existence.

  • The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

    "The Leopard" is a historical novel set in 19th-century Sicily, during the time of the Italian unification or Risorgimento. It centers on an aging, aristocratic protagonist who is coming to terms with the decline of his class and the rise of a new social order. The narrative weaves together personal drama with the larger political and social upheaval of the time, providing a rich, nuanced portrait of a society in transition. Despite his resistance to change, the protagonist ultimately recognizes its inevitability and the futility of his efforts to preserve the old ways.

  • Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell

    Set in a dystopian future, the novel presents a society under the total control of a totalitarian regime, led by the omnipresent Big Brother. The protagonist, a low-ranking member of 'the Party', begins to question the regime and falls in love with a woman, an act of rebellion in a world where independent thought, dissent, and love are prohibited. The novel explores themes of surveillance, censorship, and the manipulation of truth.

  • Nausea by Jean Paul Sartre

    The novel follows a historian living in a small French town, struggling with a strange and unsettling feeling of disgust and revulsion he calls 'nausea'. He grapples with the existential dread of his own existence and the meaningless of life, continually questioning his own perceptions and the nature of reality. As he navigates through his everyday life, he is plagued by his philosophical thoughts and the overwhelming sensation of nausea, leading him to a profound existential crisis.

  • The Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell

    "The Alexandria Quartet" is a tetralogy of novels that explore the intricate relationships between a group of friends and lovers in Alexandria, Egypt, before and during World War II. The novels are known for their rich and evocative descriptions of the city and its diverse inhabitants, as well as their innovative narrative structure, which presents the same events from different characters' perspectives in each book. The work explores themes of love, betrayal, and the nature of reality and perception.

  • The Counterfeiters by André Gide

    "The Counterfeiters" is a complex novel that explores themes of authenticity, morality, and identity, primarily through the lens of a group of friends in Paris. The story revolves around a series of counterfeit coins, which serve as a metaphor for the characters' struggles with their own authenticity and self-perception. The narrative also delves into the lives of the characters, their relationships, personal struggles, and their journey towards self-discovery. The book is noted for its non-linear structure and metafictional elements, with the author himself being a character in the story.

  • Malone Dies by Samuel Beckett

    "Malone Dies" is a narrative that delves into the mind of an elderly man who lies in a decrepit room, slowly dying. Throughout the novel, the protagonist grapples with his impending demise, while reflecting on his past. He also creates characters and stories within his mind to cope with his solitude and despair. The novel, characterized by its stream-of-consciousness style and bleak outlook, is a profound exploration of the human condition, mortality, and the nature of existence.

  • The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati

    The novel follows a young officer who spends his entire life waiting for an attack that never comes at a remote desert outpost. The protagonist's life is consumed by the monotonous routine and the fear of the unknown, reflecting on the human condition and the dread of the passage of time. The desert symbolizes the emptiness and futility of life, while the constant anticipation of a foreign invasion that never happens represents the anxiety and fear of death.

  • Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad

    The novel revolves around a young, idealistic British seaman, who commits a crime of cowardice at sea. He abandons his ship, leaving hundreds of passengers to their fate. He is publicly censured for this act and spends the rest of his life in shameful obscurity in the South Seas, trying to repress the guilt of his past and regain his lost honor. His quest for redemption leads him to a remote island where he gets a chance to prove his courage, but his tragic flaw ultimately leads to his downfall.

  • Orlando: A Biography by Virginia Woolf

    The novel follows the life of a young nobleman in Elizabethan England who inexplicably transforms into a woman at the age of 30 and lives on for three centuries without aging. Throughout the centuries, the protagonist experiences various historical events, engages in relationships with both men and women, and explores the complexities of gender identity and sexuality. The book is an exploration of the fluidity of gender and time, as well as a critique of societal norms and expectations.

  • The Plague by Albert Camus

    The novel is set in the Algerian city of Oran during the 1940s, where a deadly plague sweeps through, causing the city to be quarantined. The story is told through the eyes of a doctor who witnesses the horror and suffering caused by the disease. The narrative explores themes of human resilience, solidarity, and the struggle against the absurdities of life. It also examines how individuals and society respond to death and disease, creating a profound meditation on the nature of existence and human endurance.

  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Set in the summer of 1922, the novel follows the life of a young and mysterious millionaire, his extravagant lifestyle in Long Island, and his obsessive love for a beautiful former debutante. As the story unfolds, the millionaire's dark secrets and the corrupt reality of the American dream during the Jazz Age are revealed. The narrative is a critique of the hedonistic excess and moral decay of the era, ultimately leading to tragic consequences.

  • The Tin Drum by Günter Grass

    The novel tells the story of Oskar Matzerath, a boy who decides on his third birthday that he will stop growing and remain a three-year-old forever. Oskar is gifted with a tin drum by his mother, which he uses to express his emotions and thoughts. Living in Danzig during the rise of Nazi Germany, Oskar's refusal to grow is a form of protest against the adult world. The book is a blend of magical realism and historical fiction, providing a unique perspective on the horrors of World War II and the post-war era in Germany.

  • Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo

    This novel transports readers to the ghost town of Comala, where the protagonist, Juan Preciado, ventures in search of his estranged father, Pedro Páramo. Upon arrival, he encounters a realm where the living and the dead coexist, and through fragmented narratives and spectral encounters, the story of Pedro Páramo's life, his love, tyranny, and the curses that plague the town unfolds. The novel's innovative structure, blending memory and reality, has cemented its status as a pioneering work of magical realism, offering a haunting exploration of power, guilt, and the inescapable echoes of the past.

  • Journey to the End of The Night by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

    The novel is a semi-autobiographical work that explores the harsh realities of life through the cynical and disillusioned eyes of the protagonist. The narrative follows his experiences from the trenches of World War I, through the African jungles, to the streets of America and the slums of Paris, showcasing the horrors of war, colonialism, and the dark side of human nature. The protagonist's journey is marked by his struggle with despair, loneliness, and the absurdity of existence, offering a bleak yet profound commentary on the human condition.

  • Berlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döblin

    Set in 1920s Berlin, the book follows the life of Franz Biberkopf, a man recently released from prison who is trying to make an honest life for himself. However, he is drawn back into the criminal underworld due to circumstances and the influence of his acquaintance, Reinhold. The book is a vivid portrayal of city life in Weimar-era Germany, exploring themes of poverty, crime, redemption and the struggle to maintain one's morality amidst chaos and corruption.

  • Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

    Set against the tumultuous backdrop of the Russian Revolution, the book follows the life of a physician and poet, Yuri Zhivago, as he navigates the political and social upheaval of the early 20th century. Torn between his love for two women, his wife Tonya and his passionate mistress Lara, Zhivago's personal struggles mirror the larger societal changes occurring around him. The novel explores themes of love, war, and the human spirit, offering a poignant and complex portrait of life during a time of revolutionary change.

  • Molloy by Samuel Beckett

    "Molloy" is a complex and enigmatic novel that follows the journey of its eponymous character, an elderly, disabled vagabond, who is tasked with finding and killing a certain person. The narrative is split into two parts: the first is told from Molloy's perspective as he navigates his way through a strange and often hostile world, while the second follows a detective named Moran who is assigned to find Molloy. The novel is renowned for its challenging narrative structure, its bleak and absurdist humor, and its profound exploration of themes such as identity, existence, and the human condition.

  • Man's Fate by Andre Malraux

    Set in 1920s Shanghai during a time of political upheaval, the novel explores the existential themes of life, death, and the human condition through the experiences of a group of revolutionaries. The narrative follows their struggles and sacrifices for their cause, the Communist revolution, and their inevitable confrontation with their own mortality and the harsh realities of life. The book delves into the complexities of political ideologies, human relationships and the constant struggle between hope and despair.

  • A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

    This novel is a semi-autobiographical account of a young man's intellectual and artistic development in late 19th-century Ireland. The protagonist struggles with issues of identity, faith, and nationality, ultimately rejecting the traditional values of his Catholic upbringing to pursue his own path as an artist. The book is renowned for its innovative narrative style and its exploration of themes such as individuality, freedom, and the nature of art.

  • The City And The Mountains by Eça de Queirós

    This novel juxtaposes the bustling, superficial life of the city with the serene, authentic existence in the countryside. Through the eyes of its protagonist, who transitions from a jaded urbanite to finding solace and purpose in the rural landscapes of his homeland, the narrative explores themes of materialism, the value of simplicity, and the quest for genuine happiness. The author masterfully contrasts the decadent Parisian society with the pastoral beauty and traditional values of Portugal, critiquing the hollow pursuits of the elite and celebrating the unpretentious, vibrant life connected to nature.

  • That Awful Mess On Via Merulana by Carlo Emilio Gadda

    This novel is a complex and richly detailed exploration of a crime in 1920s Rome, where an investigation into a theft and a brutal murder in an apartment building on Via Merulana becomes a sprawling narrative that delves into the social, political, and cultural fabric of Italy. The detective in charge of the case navigates through a maze of clues, red herrings, and eccentric characters, revealing not just the underbelly of Roman society but also the inherent chaos and absurdity of life. The narrative is characterized by its linguistic inventiveness, with a mix of literary Italian, Roman dialect, and technical jargon, making it a challenging yet rewarding read that transcends the boundaries of the detective genre to offer a profound commentary on the human condition.

  • The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

    The book follows the Joad family, Oklahoma farmers displaced from their land during the Great Depression. The family, alongside thousands of other "Okies," travel to California in search of work and a better life. Throughout their journey, they face numerous hardships and injustices, yet maintain their humanity through unity and shared sacrifice. The narrative explores themes of man's inhumanity to man, the dignity of wrath, and the power of family and friendship, offering a stark and moving portrayal of the harsh realities of American migrant laborers during the 1930s.

  • Auto Da Fé by Elias Canetti

    "Auto Da Fé" is a story about Peter Kien, a renowned sinologist who is obsessed with his library of books. His life takes a turn when he marries his illiterate housekeeper, Therese, who is only interested in his wealth. After a series of mishaps, Kien is tricked out of his home and ends up living on the streets. The novel explores themes of obsession, intellectualism, and the destructive power of the mind.

  • Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry

    Set in Mexico on the Day of the Dead in 1938, the novel follows the last day in the life of Geoffrey Firmin, a British consul with a severe alcohol addiction. Through his interactions with his estranged wife and half-brother, the book explores themes of despair, betrayal, and the destructive power of addiction, against the backdrop of political and social unrest. The impending eruption of the nearby volcano serves as a metaphor for Firmin's deteriorating mental state and the looming world war.

  • The Cloven Viscount by Italo Calvino

    This novel tells the story of a viscount who, after being split in two by a cannonball during a battle, survives as two separate halves: one purely evil and the other purely good. These two halves return to their homeland where they lead drastically different lives, reflecting the dual nature of humanity and the complexities of moral absolutism. The narrative explores themes of identity, morality, and the struggle to find a balance between opposing aspects of one's nature. Through its fantastical and allegorical approach, the story delves into the consequences of division and the possibility of reconciliation, both within an individual and within society.

  • Macunaíma by Mario de Andrade

    This book is a hallmark of Brazilian literature, blending folklore, social critique, and surrealism to narrate the adventures of its eponymous hero, a shapeshifting character of indigenous origin who embarks on a journey from the Amazon rainforest to the city of São Paulo. Throughout his quest to retrieve a magical amulet stolen by a fearsome giant, the protagonist encounters a myriad of mythical creatures, gods, and figures from Brazilian folklore, all while satirizing the cultural and social issues of early 20th-century Brazil. The narrative is celebrated for its inventive language, playful use of Brazilian vernacular, and its pivotal role in the Brazilian Modernist movement, offering a unique exploration of national identity, racial diversity, and the complex relationship between tradition and modernity.

  • Le Grand Meaulnes by Henri Alain-Fournier

    The novel centers around a mysterious and charismatic adolescent, Augustin Meaulnes, who arrives at a rural school in Sologne, France, and quickly becomes the focus of intrigue among his peers. The story is narrated by his friend, François Seurel, who recounts the adventures that ensue when Meaulnes stumbles upon a surreal estate where a lavish party is taking place, leading him to meet and fall for the enchanting Yvonne de Galais. The tale weaves themes of lost love, yearning, and the painful transition from the innocence of childhood to the complexities of adulthood, as Meaulnes becomes obsessed with finding the estate and Yvonne again, embarking on a quest that will profoundly affect all involved.

  • Death on Credit by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

    "Death on Credit" is a semi-autobiographical novel that explores the life of a young Frenchman in Paris during the early 20th century. The protagonist, a medical student from a poor family, struggles with the harsh realities of life, including poverty, sickness, and death. The narrative is marked by its dark humor, cynicism, and scathing critique of society, reflecting the author's own experiences and views. The protagonist's journey is a constant struggle against the absurdity and despair of existence, depicted through a series of episodic adventures and misadventures.

  • Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence

    "Lady Chatterley's Lover" is a controversial novel that explores themes of class, sexuality, and the human condition. The story revolves around a young, upper-class woman married to a paralyzed war veteran who, feeling emotionally and physically neglected, embarks on a passionate affair with the estate's gamekeeper. The narrative delves into the protagonist's sexual awakening and her struggle against societal norms, ultimately advocating for emotional honesty and physical intimacy as essential components of a fulfilling life.

  • Explosion In A Cathedral by Alejo Carpentier

    The novel is a historical narrative set in the Caribbean during the time of the French Revolution, following the lives of a family caught in the tumult of the era. It explores the impact of European political upheaval on the colonies, as the protagonist becomes involved with historical figures and events, including the revolutionary missions of Victor Hugues. The story delves into themes of power, freedom, and the complex interplay between history and the individuals who live through it, painting a vivid picture of the colonial world and its transformation under the forces of revolution and counterrevolution.

  • An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser

    This classic novel explores the dark side of the American Dream through the story of a young man who, despite his humble beginnings, aspires to climb the social ladder. He becomes involved with two women, one wealthy and one from a working-class background. His ambition and desire for status lead him to commit a crime that ultimately results in his downfall. The novel is a stark examination of the destructive power of unchecked ambition and the moral compromises people are willing to make in pursuit of wealth and status.

  • Amerika by Franz Kafka

    This novel tells the story of a young immigrant, Karl Rossmann, who after an unfortunate incident is sent by his parents to America. The narrative follows his journey through a strange new world, where he encounters a variety of eccentric characters and experiences a series of bizarre and often surreal situations. Throughout his journey, the protagonist struggles with feelings of alienation and the harsh realities of the American Dream, while trying to navigate the complexities of life in a foreign land.

  • Fontamara by Ignazio Silone

    This novel is set in a small, impoverished village in Italy during the Fascist regime. It tells the story of the villagers, known as "Fontamaresi," who are struggling to survive under the oppressive government policies and the exploitation by the local elite. The narrative focuses on their attempts to resist and fight back against the injustices they face, despite the overwhelming odds. Through the eyes of its characters, the book explores themes of poverty, oppression, resistance, and the human spirit's resilience. It is a poignant critique of Fascism and a testament to the strength of community and solidarity in the face of tyranny.

  • Light in August by William Faulkner

    Set in the American South during the 1930s, this novel explores complex social and personal issues through the intertwining stories of its characters. The narrative primarily follows a man of ambiguous racial identity on a quest to find his father, a pregnant woman searching for the father of her unborn child, and a disgraced minister attempting to navigate his own moral compass. The book delves into themes of identity, race, and the human struggle for understanding and redemption, all set against the backdrop of the deep-rooted prejudices and social norms of the time.

  • Nostromo by Joseph Conrad

    Set in the fictional South American country of Costaguana, the novel explores the turbulent political and social changes of the era through the eyes of Nostromo, a respected and resourceful Italian expatriate. Nostromo's loyalty and heroism are tested when he is tasked with hiding a cache of silver from a revolutionary government. As the political landscape shifts, he finds himself caught in a web of moral dilemmas and life-altering decisions. The novel is a profound examination of power, corruption, and the human condition.

  • Life, a User's Manual by Georges Perec

    The novel explores the lives of the inhabitants of a Parisian apartment block through a complex, multi-layered narrative. It delves into the interconnected stories of the building's residents, revealing their secrets, desires, and disappointments. The narrative is structured like a puzzle, with the author employing a variety of literary styles and devices, making it a complex and intriguing exploration of human life.

  • Joseph and His Brothers by Thomas Mann

    This novel is a re-imagining of the biblical story of Joseph, known for his coat of many colors. The narrative delves deeply into the psychological aspects of each character, exploring their motivations, flaws, and virtues. The story covers Joseph's life from his early years in Canaan, through his betrayal by his brothers who sell him into slavery in Egypt, his rise to power in Pharaoh's court, and his eventual reconciliation with his brothers. The novel is a rich tapestry of dreams, myths, and rituals, blending biblical tradition with the author's own philosophical insights.

  • Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

    In this unique novel, a Venetian traveler describes 55 different cities to the Mongol emperor, each city more fantastical and surreal than the last. The cities are divided into categories such as "Cities and Memory," "Cities and Desire," "Cities and Signs," etc. As the traveler continues to describe these cities, it becomes clear that they are all actually the same city, Venice, seen from different perspectives and points in time. The novel explores themes of memory, perception, and the nature of human experience.

  • The 42nd Parallel by John Dos Passos

    "The 42nd Parallel" is a novel that explores the lives of several characters in the early 20th century United States. The narrative intertwines the stories of five protagonists as they navigate through various historical events and social changes such as labor strikes, World War I, and the Mexican Revolution. The book is notable for its experimental style, which includes the use of "Newsreel" and "Camera Eye" sections that incorporate newspaper clippings, song lyrics, and stream-of-consciousness writing to reflect the chaotic and rapidly changing times.

  • Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar

    "Memoirs of Hadrian" is a historical novel that presents a fictional autobiography of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who reigned from 117 to 138 AD. Narrated in the first person, the novel explores Hadrian's ascension to the throne, his administration, his love for the young Antinous, and his philosophical reflections on life and death. The narrative is framed as a letter to his successor, Marcus Aurelius, offering insights into the complexities of power, the nature of leadership, and the human condition.

  • A Passage to India by E. M. Forster

    The novel takes place in British-ruled India, where the cultural divide between the British and the Indians is explored. The story focuses on the experiences of an Indian Muslim, Dr. Aziz, and his interactions with an English woman, Miss Quested, and her elderly friend, Mrs. Moore. After an expedition to the Marabar Caves, Miss Quested accuses Dr. Aziz of assault, leading to a trial that deepens the racial tensions and prejudices between the colonizers and the colonized. The novel is a critique of British imperialism and a study of the cultural and racial misunderstandings and ill-will between the British and the Indian people.

  • Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller

    The book is a semi-autobiographical novel set in 1930s Paris and describes the protagonist's life as a struggling writer. The narrative is filled with vivid descriptions of the city, sexual encounters, and philosophical musings, all penned in a stream-of-consciousness style. The protagonist's experiences living in poverty, his relationships with other expatriates, and his pursuit of artistic freedom are central to the story. Despite the explicit content, the novel is noted for its candid exploration of the human condition and the author's quest for personal and creative authenticity.

  • As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner

    The narrative unfolds through the eyes of 15 different characters over 59 chapters. It is the story of the death of Addie Bundren and her poor, rural family's quest and motivations—noble or selfish—to honor her wish to be buried in her hometown of Jefferson, Mississippi. As the Bundren family undertakes a journey to fulfill Addie's last wish, they face many hardships and personal revelations. The novel explores themes of existentialism, death, and the nature of family relationships.

  • Wings of the Dove by Henry James

    This novel centers around a young woman, Milly Theale, who is terminally ill and wealthy. She becomes the object of a conspiracy by two other characters, Kate Croy and Merton Densher, who are in love but too poor to marry. Kate manipulates the situation so that Densher becomes close to Milly, intending for him to marry her and inherit her wealth when she dies. However, Densher eventually falls in love with Milly, leading to a complex triangle of love, deceit, and moral ambiguity.

  • The Confusions of Young Törless by Robert Musil

    This novel explores the moral and psychological development of a young student sent to a military boarding school in Austro-Hungarian Empire. The protagonist witnesses and participates in the bullying and humiliation of a fellow student, leading him to question the nature of power, morality, and the thin line between civilization and barbarity. The book is a profound exploration of adolescence, authority, and the loss of innocence.

  • A Change Of Heart by Michel Butor

    This novel delves into the psychological and emotional journey of a Frenchman who takes up a teaching position in Manchester, England. Struggling with the bleakness of the post-war English landscape and the cultural dissonance he experiences, the protagonist embarks on a profound internal journey. Through his interactions with the city, its architecture, and its inhabitants, he undergoes a transformation that challenges his preconceptions and alters his perception of life. The narrative, rich in introspection and vivid descriptions, explores themes of alienation, the search for identity, and the possibility of personal renewal amidst the ruins of the past.

  • The Hive by Camilo José Cela

    "The Hive" is a novel set in post-Civil War Spain, during the harsh years of Madrid's postwar recovery. It provides a gritty and realistic portrayal of the struggles faced by ordinary citizens in a society marked by deprivation and repression. The narrative is non-linear and fragmented, featuring a vast array of characters from various social classes, whose lives intertwine in a depiction of the bleakness and despair of the time. The book was initially banned in Spain due to its critical view of Franco's regime.

  • The Flanders Road by Claude Simon

    The novel delves into the complexities of memory and the chaos of war, weaving together the narratives of several characters whose lives are entangled by the events of World War II. Set against the backdrop of the German invasion of France, the story unfolds through a series of flashbacks and stream-of-consciousness reflections, primarily focusing on a French cavalry officer captured by the Germans. As the characters grapple with their experiences and relationships, the book explores themes of loss, betrayal, and the elusive nature of truth, all while challenging traditional narrative structures with its fragmented and non-linear approach to storytelling.

  • In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

    This true crime novel tells the story of the brutal 1959 murder of a wealthy farmer, his wife and two of their children in Holcomb, Kansas. The narrative follows the investigation led by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation that ultimately leads to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers. The book explores the circumstances surrounding this horrific crime and the effects it had on the community and the people involved.

  • A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

    This novel follows the life of a violent young man named Alex, who is part of a youth subculture in a dystopian future England. Alex and his gang engage in a nightmarish spree of rape, assault, and robbery, until he is arrested and subjected to a psychological experiment by the government to "cure" him of his violent tendencies. The novel explores themes of free will, morality, and the nature of evil, while using a unique slang language invented by the author.

  • The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger

    The novel follows the story of a teenager named Holden Caulfield, who has just been expelled from his prep school. The narrative unfolds over the course of three days, during which Holden experiences various forms of alienation and his mental state continues to unravel. He criticizes the adult world as "phony" and struggles with his own transition into adulthood. The book is a profound exploration of teenage rebellion, alienation, and the loss of innocence.

  • Red Cavalry by Isaac Babel

    The book is a collection of short stories that delve into the experiences of a Jewish political commissar serving with the Cossack regiment in the Soviet Red Army during the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1921. Through a series of vivid, often brutal vignettes, the narrative explores the harsh realities of war, the cultural tensions between the Jewish intellectual and the Cossack soldiers, and the moral ambiguities faced by individuals caught in the turmoil of conflict. The stories are renowned for their stark, powerful prose and their unflinching examination of the human condition amidst the chaos of war.

  • Jean Christophe by Romain Rolland

    This expansive novel chronicles the life of a gifted German musician, from his early years in a Rhineland village, through his turbulent development as an artist, to his maturity and recognition as a composer. Set against the backdrop of Europe's cultural and political landscape at the turn of the 20th century, the protagonist's journey is one of passion, struggle, and the relentless pursuit of artistic freedom. Through his friendships, loves, and artistic endeavors, the narrative delves into themes of personal growth, the nature of genius, and the universal search for meaning. The protagonist's life story is a testament to the power of resilience and the indomitable spirit of the creative mind.

  • Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth

    The novel is a first-person narrative, a monologue by a young Jewish man, Alexander Portnoy, who is speaking to his psychoanalyst. He shares his struggles with his identity as a Jewish man in America, his sexual fantasies and frustrations, his complex relationship with his overbearing mother, and his experiences of guilt and shame. The book uses humor and frank language to explore themes of identity, sexuality, and the Jewish experience in America.

  • We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

    In this dystopian novel, the story is set in the future, where the protagonist, a mathematician, lives in a highly regulated society where citizens are known by numbers, not names, and every action is dictated by the state. Individuality and freedom are suppressed, and even the concept of love is replaced by regulated sexual liaisons. The mathematician begins to question the infallibility of the state after meeting a rebellious woman, leading to a series of events that challenge the very foundations of his world.

  • Jealousy: A Novel by Alain Robbe-Grillet

    This novel is an avant-garde narrative that explores the concept of jealousy through a highly detailed and descriptive narrative. The story unfolds in a tropical banana plantation and is told from the perspective of an unnamed narrator who may or may not be present in the scenes described. The narrative is characterized by repetition and minute observation of details, creating a sense of obsessive jealousy. The story is ambiguous and leaves the reader questioning the reality of the events and the existence of the narrator.

  • The Immoralist by André Gide

    "The Immoralist" is a novel that explores the journey of a man who, after a near-death experience, indulges in hedonistic and selfish behavior, rejecting societal norms and moral constraints. The protagonist, a scholar, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and self-indulgence after being diagnosed with tuberculosis. His pursuit of physical and sensual experiences leads him to abandon his wife and career, leading to a life of isolation and self-destruction. The book delves into themes of morality, freedom, and the human condition.

  • The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

    This novel is a complex narrative that weaves together three distinct yet intertwined stories. The first story is set in 1930s Moscow and follows the devil and his entourage as they wreak havoc on the city's literary elite. The second story is a historical narrative about Pontius Pilate and his role in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The third story is a love story between the titular Master, a writer who has been driven to madness by the criticism of his work, and his devoted lover, Margarita. The novel is a satirical critique of Soviet society, particularly the literary establishment, and its treatment of artists. It also explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the nature of good and evil.

  • The President by Miguel Angel Asturias

    The novel in question is a gripping political drama set in an unnamed Latin American country, where a ruthless dictator wields absolute power. The narrative delves into the dark and corrupt world of political machinations following the assassination of a colonel, which triggers a series of events that expose the brutal and oppressive regime. Through the eyes of various characters, including the paranoid president, the falsely accused, and the oppressed citizens, the story explores themes of power, fear, and injustice, painting a vivid picture of a society under the thumb of a tyrannical leader. The book is a powerful critique of dictatorship and a poignant exploration of the human cost of absolute power.

  • Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse

    The novel presents a poignant exploration of a man's struggle with his dual nature. The protagonist, a middle-aged man, finds himself torn between his humanistic, intellectual tendencies and his more primitive, wolf-like instincts. As he navigates his way through the surreal and sometimes hallucinatory world, he encounters various characters who challenge his views and push him towards self-discovery and transformation. The narrative delves into themes of alienation, the subconscious mind, and the search for meaning in life.

  • The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rainer Maria Rilke

    "The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge" is a semi-autobiographical novel narrated by a young man from Denmark living in Paris, who is trying to understand the world and his place in it. The protagonist is a poet and a dreamer, who spends his time observing and reflecting on the people and situations around him. The book is a collection of his thoughts, observations, and musings, which often revolve around themes of death, solitude, history, and the nature of existence. It's a deep and introspective exploration of the human condition and the nature of creativity.

  • Satan In Goray by Isaac Bashevis Singer

    Set in the 17th century, the novel explores the impact of false messianic fervor on the Jewish community of Goray, a small Polish town. After the devastating Chmielnicki massacres, the traumatized survivors find themselves drawn to the charismatic but ultimately destructive figure of Sabbatai Zevi, who claims to be the long-awaited Messiah. As the community becomes increasingly divided between believers and skeptics, the narrative delves into themes of faith, madness, and the desperate need for redemption, painting a vivid picture of a society on the brink of collapse under the weight of its own expectations and desires.

  • Zazie in the Metro by Raymond Queneau

    A young, precocious girl named Zazie comes to Paris to stay with her flamboyant uncle, a professional female impersonator. She is obsessed with riding the Metro, but a strike thwarts her plans. As she explores the city on her own, she encounters a variety of eccentric characters, gets into mischief, and ultimately causes chaos in the city. The novel is a humorous and satirical look at Parisian life, filled with word play and surreal elements.

  • Animal Farm by George Orwell

    "Animal Farm" is a satirical fable set on a farm where the animals revolt, overthrow their human farmer, and take over the running of the farm for themselves. The story is an allegory of the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalin, and the tale is told by the animals that inhabit the farm, primarily pigs who become the ruling class. Despite their initial attempts at creating an equal society, corruption and power ultimately lead to a regime as oppressive as the one they overthrew.

  • The Dwarf by Par Lagerkvist

    "The Dwarf" is a dark, philosophical novel set in the Italian Renaissance, narrated by a malevolent court dwarf who serves a prince. The dwarf is a symbol for the darker side of humanity, embodying all the malice, deceit, and manipulation that one can possess. His actions and viewpoint provide a cynical commentary on human nature and the moral complexities of power, war, and love. The novel explores themes of good and evil, faith and doubt, and the destructive side of human nature.

  • The Golden Bowl by Henry James

    The Golden Bowl is a complex narrative that revolves around an American woman and her daughter who marry a father and son. The daughter's husband previously had a romantic relationship with the mother's husband, leading to a tense and intricate web of relationships. The novel explores themes of marriage, adultery, and familial bonds, and is renowned for its detailed characterization and intricate plot structure.

  • Sanctuary by William Faulkner

    "Sanctuary" is a gripping tale set in the American South during the Prohibition era. The story follows a young woman from a well-to-do family who is kidnapped by a gang of bootleggers, leading to her descent into debauchery and criminality. As she navigates the seedy underworld, the novel explores themes of social decay, moral ambiguity, and the inherent violence of humanity. The narrative is marked by the author's characteristic complex storytelling and vivid descriptions of the Southern landscape.

  • The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes

    The novel revolves around the life of a self-centered Mexican media mogul, Artemio Cruz, who is on his deathbed. As he reflects on his past, the narrative shifts between first, second, and third person perspectives, exploring different stages of Cruz's life from his impoverished childhood, his participation in the Mexican Revolution, his ruthless pursuit of power, and his eventual downfall. The book is a critique of the corruption and moral decay in Mexican society following the Revolution.

  • Don Segundo Sombra by Ricardo Güiraldes

    This classic Argentine novel is a coming-of-age story set in the Pampas, focusing on the life of a young orphan who finds guidance and mentorship under the wing of a seasoned gaucho named Segundo Sombra. Through his experiences in the vast landscapes of rural Argentina, the protagonist learns the values of courage, responsibility, and freedom, embodying the gaucho spirit. The narrative, rich in poetic imagery and symbolism, explores themes of identity, tradition, and the passage into adulthood, offering a deep reflection on the essence of Argentine culture and the timeless bond between man and nature.

  • The Invention Of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares

    This novel unfolds on a mysterious, deserted island where the protagonist, a fugitive, discovers a strange building and a group of tourists who appear and disappear inexplicably. As he observes them, he falls in love with a woman among the group, but soon realizes that these visitors are not what they seem. The narrative takes a turn into the surreal when he uncovers the workings of a machine invented by a man named Morel, which has the power to record and replay reality. The protagonist grapples with the implications of this invention on his perceptions of love, existence, and the desire for immortality, leading to a haunting exploration of the boundaries between reality and illusion.

  • Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner

    This novel is a complex narrative about Thomas Sutpen, a poor white man who rises to power in the South, aiming to create a dynasty that would rival the old aristocratic families. However, his ambitions are thwarted by his own flawed decisions and the overarching racial and societal tensions of the era. The story is not told in a linear fashion but rather through a series of interconnected flashbacks and narratives, offering different perspectives on the same events. The book explores themes of family, class, race, and the destructive power of obsession.

  • Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov

    The novel is a unique blend of fiction, commentary, and poetry, presented as a 999-line poem written by a fictional poet, followed by an extensive commentary and foreword by his neighbor and academic colleague. The novel blurs the line between reality and fiction, as the commentator's notes reveal an alternative narrative, one of exile, intrigue, and murder. The book is a playful exploration of authorship, deception, and the nature of art.

  • Herzog by Saul Bellow

    The novel centers around Moses Herzog, a middle-aged, intelligent yet distressed man who is going through a mid-life crisis. After his second marriage fails, he falls into a state of emotional turmoil and begins writing letters to friends, family, and even famous figures, expressing his philosophical thoughts and personal feelings. His journey of self-discovery and understanding forms the crux of the story. It's a profound exploration of a man's struggle with the complexities of life and his quest for meaning.

  • Baltasar and Blimunda by José Saramago

    "Baltasar and Blimunda" is a historical love story set in 18th century Portugal. The narrative follows a maimed soldier, Baltasar, and a young clairvoyant woman, Blimunda, as they navigate the hardships of life during the Inquisition. Their love story is intertwined with the construction of the Convent of Mafra, a grandiose project initiated by the King. The novel explores themes of love, faith, human resilience, and the struggle against political and religious oppression.

  • Jews Without Money by Michael Gold

    This novel is a vivid and raw portrayal of Jewish immigrant life in the early 20th century on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Through the eyes of a young boy, the narrative delves into the struggles, poverty, and aspirations of Jewish families striving to make a new life in America. The story captures the harsh realities of tenement living, the pervasive poverty, and the community's efforts to overcome adversity. It's a poignant exploration of the immigrant experience, highlighting the resilience and solidarity among the impoverished as they navigate the challenges of assimilation and economic hardship in pursuit of the American Dream.

  • The Land At The End Of The World by António Lobo Antunes

    This novel is a poignant and harrowing account of the Angolan War of Independence from the perspective of a disillusioned Portuguese medic. Through a series of barroom confessions to an unnamed interlocutor, the narrator recounts his experiences of the brutal conflict, the horrors he witnessed, and the impact it had on his psyche. The narrative is a blend of vivid war memories and reflections on the post-war life, exploring themes of love, loss, and the haunting legacy of colonialism. The author's rich, poetic language and innovative storytelling techniques create a powerful, immersive experience, capturing the futility of war and the indelible scars it leaves on individuals and nations alike.

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Folha de São Paulo, 98 Books

Folha de São Paulo, also known as simply Folha, is a Brazilian daily newspaper founded in 1921 under the name Folha da Noite and published in São Paulo by the Folha da Manhã company. Folha got ten critics and writers to choose the one hundred best novels published since 1900.

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  • List: only covers 100 years

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