Hubert Reeves

Hubert Reeves is a Canadian astrophysicist and popularizer of science. Born on July 13, 1932, in Montreal, Quebec, he is known for his work on cosmic rays and gamma-ray astronomy, as well as his extensive efforts to explain complex scientific concepts to the public. Reeves has authored several books and has been a prominent figure in raising awareness about environmental issues and the importance of protecting biodiversity. His contributions to science and education have made him a respected figure in both the scientific community and among the general public.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Poussières D'étoiles

    "Poussières d'étoiles" is a poetic exploration of the cosmos and our place within it, delving into the intricate connections between the universe and the microscopic elements that compose life on Earth. The book weaves together astronomy, physics, biology, and philosophy to illustrate how the atoms that make up our bodies were once part of ancient celestial phenomena. Through accessible language and engaging storytelling, the narrative takes readers on a journey from the Big Bang to the evolution of life, emphasizing the awe-inspiring reality that we are literally made of stardust, sharing a fundamental bond with the vast, dynamic universe around us.