Thomas Keneally

Thomas Keneally is an Australian author renowned for his historical fiction and non-fiction works. He is best known for his Booker Prize-winning novel 'Schindler's Ark', which was later adapted into the Academy Award-winning film 'Schindler's List' directed by Steven Spielberg. Keneally's writing often explores themes of human justice and moral dilemmas, and his extensive body of work includes novels, plays, and essays.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Schindler's List

    The book tells the true story of a German businessman who saves more than a thousand Polish Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories. The protagonist's transformation from a greedy high living war profiteer to a savior of lives forms the crux of the narrative. It offers a chilling yet inspiring account of the horrors of the Holocaust, human resilience, and the power of one individual to make a significant difference.

  2. 2. Schindler's Ark

    The book is a historical novel based on the true story of a German industrialist who becomes an unlikely humanitarian amid the barbaric Nazi reign. When he witnesses the horrors inflicted upon the Jews, he is moved to save as many as he can by employing them in his factory. His actions, driven by courage and compassion, lead to the salvation of over a thousand Jewish workers from certain death in the Holocaust. The narrative explores themes of morality, survival, and the capacity for good in the face of overwhelming evil, as the protagonist navigates the complexities of war and the human spirit.

  3. 3. Confederates

    This novel is a gripping tale set during the American Civil War, focusing on the lives of soldiers and civilians caught in the tumult of conflict. It explores the harrowing experiences of the Confederate soldiers as they navigate the brutal realities of war, alongside the stories of their families who endure their own struggles on the home front. The narrative delves into themes of loyalty, survival, and the moral complexities of war, presenting a nuanced portrayal of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Through vivid characterizations and rich historical detail, the book offers a compelling examination of one of the most divisive periods in American history.

  4. 4. The Playmaker

    "The Playmaker" is a historical novel set in the late 18th century, revolving around the lives of British convicts transported to the penal colony in New South Wales, Australia. The narrative focuses on a lieutenant who is tasked with directing a play featuring the convicts as actors, as part of a rehabilitation and morale-boosting effort. The story delves into the transformative power of theater, the complex relationships between the officers and convicts, and the harsh realities of life in the colony. Through the process of staging the play, the characters confront their pasts, their identities, and the rigid class and power structures of their society, all against the backdrop of the unforgiving Australian landscape.