Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand was a Russian-American writer and philosopher, best known for her two best-selling novels, 'The Fountainhead' and 'Atlas Shrugged,' and for developing a philosophical system she called Objectivism. Born in Russia in 1905, Rand moved to the United States in 1926, where she became an outspoken proponent of individualism and laissez-faire capitalism, which she believed was the only social system that protected individual rights. She wrote extensively on her philosophy and its application to culture and politics.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Atlas Shrugged

    This novel unfolds in a dystopian United States where society's most productive citizens, including inventors, scientists and industrialists, refuse to be exploited by increasing social and economic demands. As a response, they withdraw their talents, leading to the collapse of the economy. The story presents the author's philosophy of objectivism, which values reason, individualism, and capitalism, and rejects collectivism and altruism. The narrative primarily follows Dagny Taggart, a railroad executive, and John Galt, a philosophical leader and inventor, as they navigate this societal breakdown.

  2. 2. The Fountainhead

    The novel presents the story of an innovative architect, who values his individualism and creativity above all else. He refuses to conform to traditional architectural designs, which leads to his struggle against a system that rewards mediocrity and conformity. Despite numerous setbacks and rejections, he remains true to his unique vision and principles. The book explores themes of objectivism, individualism, and capitalism, challenging the reader to consider the value of standing alone against the collective.

  3. 3. Anthem

    In a dystopian society where individuality is suppressed, a young man named Equality 7-2521 discovers a hidden tunnel that leads him to a forbidden library. As he explores the books and ideas within, he becomes enlightened and yearns for a life of freedom and self-expression. However, his pursuit of knowledge and individualism is met with opposition from the oppressive ruling council. Determined to break free from the constraints of his society, Equality embarks on a dangerous journey to find a place where he can live according to his own values and beliefs.