Flora Rheta Schreiber

Flora Rheta Schreiber was an American author and journalist best known for her biography of Shirley Ardell Mason, a woman diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, in the book 'Sybil' published in 1973. The book was highly influential, later adapted into two television miniseries, and contributed significantly to the public's interest in and understanding of dissociative identity disorder. Schreiber's work raised awareness and sparked debates on the condition and its treatment.


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  1. 1. Sybil

    The book is a true story about a woman who, after suffering severe physical and emotional abuse as a child, developed sixteen different personalities as a coping mechanism. The narrative follows her journey with her psychiatrist as they attempt to fuse her multiple identities into one through therapy and treatment. The book offers an in-depth look at Dissociative Identity Disorder, its causes, manifestations, and treatment.