James A. Michener

James A. Michener was an American author of more than 40 books, most of which were fictional, lengthy family sagas covering the lives of many generations in particular geographic locales and incorporating solid history. Michener was known for the meticulous research behind his work. His best-known books include 'Tales of the South Pacific,' for which he won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1948, 'Hawaii,' 'The Drifters,' 'Centennial,' 'The Source,' 'The Fires of Spring,' 'Chesapeake,' 'Caribbean,' 'Alaska,' and 'Texas'. His writing was noted for its epic scope, and he also wrote a significant number of non-fiction works, including memoirs and scholarly studies. He passed away on October 16, 1997.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Tales of the South Pacific

    "Tales of the South Pacific" is a collection of interconnected stories set during World War II in the Pacific Islands. The book provides a vivid and diverse portrayal of life in the South Pacific during this period, exploring the experiences of the soldiers, nurses, and native inhabitants. The stories delve into themes of love, war, cultural clash, and the human spirit, offering a nuanced and poignant exploration of the complexities of war and its impact on individuals and societies.

  2. 2. Centennial

    "Centennial" is a sweeping historical novel that traces the history of the plains of northeast Colorado from prehistoric times to the 1970s. The narrative intertwines the stories of the land's various inhabitants over the centuries, including Native Americans, French fur trappers, English nobles, American pioneers, and others. The novel explores themes of love, war, and the challenge of the frontier, all set against the backdrop of the American West's breathtaking landscapes.

  3. 3. Chesapeake

    "Chesapeake" is a historical saga that spans four centuries, telling the story of the settlement and development of the Chesapeake Bay area in the United States. The narrative follows the lives and adventures of multiple generations of families, both Native American and immigrant, as they navigate the challenges of colonization, revolution, slavery, and the Civil War. The book offers a rich and detailed perspective on American history, society, and culture through the lens of these families and their experiences.