José Ortega y Gasset

José Ortega y Gasset was a Spanish philosopher and essayist. He was born on May 9, 1883, in Madrid and died on October 18, 1955. Ortega y Gasset is best known for his contributions to the philosophical movement known as 'perspectivism' and for his works on the theory of existentialism. His most famous work, 'The Revolt of the Masses,' explores the rise of mass society and its effects on individuality and culture. He is considered one of the most significant Spanish intellectuals of the 20th century.


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  1. 1. The Revolt of the Masses

    "The Revolt of the Masses" is a philosophical work that discusses the rise of the "mass man" and the potential danger this presents to society. The author argues that the mass man, characterized by his lack of individuality and rejection of higher values, is a product of modern society and its emphasis on equality. He believes that this mass man, who is more concerned with his rights than his responsibilities, threatens to undermine the very foundations of society, leading to potential chaos and instability. The book serves as a warning and a call for a return to individual responsibility and respect for higher values.