Norman Cohn

Norman Cohn (1915–2007) was a British historian and author, best known for his influential work on millenarian movements, 'The Pursuit of the Millennium'. His research interests included the study of revolutionary eschatological movements in Europe, and he also wrote on topics such as the origins of modern anti-Semitism and the psychological roots of fanaticism. His work has been widely recognized for its depth and scholarly rigor.


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  1. 1. The Pursuit of the Millennium

    This book provides a comprehensive historical analysis of millenarian movements in Europe from the 11th to 16th centuries. It delves into the social and psychological factors that led to the rise of these movements, which were characterized by the belief in an impending apocalypse followed by a new, heavenly order on earth. The author examines a number of these movements in detail, including the Crusades, the flagellant movements, and the Anabaptist kingdom of Münster, and argues that these millenarian ideologies were often used to justify violence and social revolution.