Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine was an influential writer, revolutionary, and political philosopher, born on January 29, 1737, in Thetford, England. He is best known for his works 'Common Sense' and 'The American Crisis,' which were pivotal in influencing public opinion in favor of American independence from Great Britain. Paine also wrote 'The Rights of Man' in defense of the French Revolution, and 'The Age of Reason,' promoting deism and arguing against institutionalized religion. His writings contributed to the spread of revolutionary ideas in the 18th century.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Common Sense

    This influential pamphlet, published in 1776, played a crucial role in persuading the colonists of the Thirteen Colonies to declare independence from Britain. It argues for the democratic system of government, criticizes monarchy and hereditary succession, and advocates for the inherent rights and freedoms of individuals. The text uses plain language to make complex political ideas accessible to the average citizen, promoting the idea that the colonies have a right to be an independent nation.

  2. 2. Rights of Man

    This influential work is a passionate defense of the French Revolution and a detailed examination of the concept of human rights. The author argues against the idea of monarchy and hereditary succession, contending that government should be a reflection of the people's will and that it should promote equality and social welfare. The book also explores the role of government in society, the nature of civil liberties, and the importance of a written constitution.

  3. 3. The Age of Reason

    This philosophical work challenges institutionalized religion and the legitimacy of the Bible, advocating for reason and free thought over blind faith and doctrine. The author criticizes religious institutions for their manipulation of individuals' beliefs for personal gain and power, and he promotes deism, arguing that the existence of a creator can be inferred from the beauty and complexity of the natural world. He also underscores the importance of human rights, liberty, and equality, which he believes are inherently compromised by organized religion.