Garry Wills

Garry Wills is an American author, journalist, and historian, specializing in American history, politics, and religion, particularly the history of the Catholic Church. He won a Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction in 1993 for his book 'Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America', which analyzes Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Wills has written numerous other books and is known for his scholarly approach to American political history.


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  1. 1. Lincoln at Gettysburg

    This book provides an analysis of the Gettysburg Address, delivered by President Abraham Lincoln, in the context of its historical and cultural significance. The author dissects the speech, its influences, and its enduring impact on American society and ideals. The book also delves into the circumstances surrounding the address, the political climate of the time, and the role it played in shaping the nation's understanding of the Civil War and the principles of democracy.