Nicholson Baker

Nicholson Baker is an American novelist and essayist. His writing is known for its focus on minute detail, the use of digression, and an emphasis on the introspective and the mundane. His works encompass a variety of genres and themes, including fiction, non-fiction, history, and literary criticism. Some of his notable books include 'The Mezzanine', 'Vox', and 'The Fermata'. Baker has also written about historical events, such as World War II, in works like 'Human Smoke'. His distinctive narrative style and exploration of the inner workings of his characters' minds have garnered both critical acclaim and a dedicated readership.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Mezzanine

    The book is a stream-of-consciousness narrative that delves into the thoughts of a young office worker during his lunch-hour escalator ride back to the mezzanine floor of his office building. In this brief journey, the protagonist reflects on various aspects of modern life, from the design of milk cartons to the intricacies of shoelaces. The novel is notable for its meticulous attention to the minutiae of everyday life and its exploration of the inner workings of the protagonist's mind, revealing the complexity and profundity that can be found in the most ordinary of moments.

  2. 2. Room Temperature

    This novel offers an intimate glimpse into the mind of a young father as he feeds his infant daughter a bottle of milk in the span of one hour. Set against the backdrop of a quiet afternoon in their family home, the narrative delves deep into the protagonist's stream of consciousness, exploring his reflections on various aspects of life, including parenthood, marriage, and the minutiae of everyday existence. Through his contemplations, the book presents a rich tapestry of thoughts and memories, revealing the profound in the mundane and highlighting the intricate connections between the past and the present.

  3. 3. U and I

    In this unique and introspective work, the author embarks on a literary journey that explores his fascination with the writing and persona of a celebrated American author, whose influence looms large over his own work. Through a blend of memoir, criticism, and homage, the book delves into the nature of fandom, memory, and the creative process. The author candidly shares his reflections and the impact of his literary hero's work on his life, all while admitting to having read only a small portion of the hero's extensive oeuvre. This candid exploration blurs the lines between reality and imagination, revealing the intimate and often complex relationship between a writer and their inspiration.

  4. 4. Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper

    The book is a critical examination of the practice of libraries in the United States, which, in the name of preservation, have been systematically destroying original newspapers and books to replace them with microfilmed copies. The author argues that this process, far from saving the material, often results in the loss of valuable information and the tactile experience of reading. He also criticizes the library community for its uncritical acceptance of new technologies and its failure to question the implications of these practices.