Joseph Wood Krutch

Joseph Wood Krutch was an American writer, critic, and naturalist. Born on November 25, 1893, in Knoxville, Tennessee, he is best known for his nature books and critiques of technological modernity. Krutch earned a Ph.D. in English from Columbia University and wrote extensively on literature and the human experience. His works include 'The Modern Temper' (1929) and 'The Measure of Man' (1954). He also wrote about the environment, with titles like 'The Great Chain of Life' (1956) reflecting his deep appreciation for the natural world. Krutch passed away on May 22, 1970.


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  1. 1. The Measure of Man

    "The Measure of Man" is a philosophical exploration of human nature and the human condition. It delves into the profound questions about man's place in the universe, the nature of his consciousness, and his intellectual, moral, and spiritual capabilities. The book challenges readers to reflect upon the meaning of human existence, the importance of individuality, and the potential for humanity to transcend its biological limitations.