Stanley Karnow

Stanley Karnow was an American journalist and historian, best known for his work on the Vietnam War. He authored the acclaimed book 'Vietnam: A History' and won the Pulitzer Prize for History for his book 'In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines'. His extensive reporting and historical analysis provided deep insights into Asian affairs and U.S. foreign policy.


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  1. 1. In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines

    This book provides a comprehensive historical account of the relationship between the United States and the Philippines, from the time of Spanish colonial rule, through American occupation and its aftermath. It explores the motivations, actions and impacts of American imperialism in the Philippines, highlighting the cultural, political and economic influences that continue to shape the Philippines today. The book also delves into the complex interplay of power, resistance, and collaboration between the Americans and the Filipinos, providing a nuanced understanding of colonialism and its enduring effects.