C. Wright Mills

C. Wright Mills was an influential American sociologist best known for his work on the structure of power in the United States and his theories on the sociological imagination, which encourages individuals to understand the relationship between their personal experiences and the wider society. His most notable works include 'The Power Elite' and 'White Collar: The American Middle Classes'. Mills' writings focused on the responsibilities of intellectuals in post-war society and critiqued the bureaucratic ethos affecting contemporary life.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Power Elite

    "The Power Elite" is a sociological study that explores the relationships and interconnections among the political, military, and economic elite in the United States, suggesting that they form a distinct, centralized ruling power structure. The author argues that this group operates outside of the democratic process and has significant influence over the nation's policies and decisions. The book also discusses the implications of this power concentration on American democracy and society.