Orhan Pamuk

Orhan Pamuk is a renowned Turkish novelist, screenwriter, and academic, born on June 7, 1952, in Istanbul, Turkey. He is one of Turkey's most prominent authors and has gained international fame for his work, which often deals with themes of history, identity, and the intersection between Western and Eastern cultures. Pamuk was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006, becoming the first Turkish citizen to receive a Nobel Prize in that category. His notable works include 'My Name is Red,' 'Snow,' and 'The Museum of Innocence.'


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. My Name is Red

    Set in the late 16th century Ottoman Empire, this novel explores the conflict between East and West, tradition and innovation, through the lens of miniaturist painters. When a renowned artist is murdered, his colleagues must solve the mystery while grappling with the changes in their art brought about by the western Renaissance. This complex narrative intertwines love, art, religion, and power, offering a deep exploration of the struggles between old and new.

  2. 2. Snow

    Set in the small city of Kars in northeastern Turkey, the novel follows a Turkish poet who has spent several years in political exile in Germany. He returns to Turkey during a time of political unrest, with tensions high between religious and secular factions. As he becomes embroiled in the turmoil, he also becomes involved in a romantic relationship with a beautiful woman. The city is cut off from the rest of the world by a relentless snowstorm, leading to a series of tragic events. The novel is a contemplation on love, faith, and the tensions between tradition and modernity.

  3. 3. The Black Book

    The novel focuses on a man searching for his wife in Istanbul, who disappeared without a trace. In his search, he discovers a secret, surreal world in the city and starts to understand his wife's involvement in political activism. The narrative is interwoven with stories from a column written by his wife's half-brother, which the protagonist believes may hold clues to her disappearance. The book is a complex exploration of identity, storytelling, and the role of literature in society.

  4. 4. The Museum Of Innocence

    This novel delves into the obsessive love of Kemal, a wealthy Istanbulite, for Füsun, a distant relative and a shopgirl, which begins in 1975 and spans over 30 years. After a brief affair, Füsun marries another man, but Kemal's love remains unyielding. He starts collecting objects that remind him of his love for her, eventually creating a museum dedicated to their relationship. Set against the backdrop of Istanbul's changing society, the story explores themes of love, longing, class, and the power of memory, as Kemal's life becomes a testament to his unattainable desire, encapsulated within the walls of his museum.