James Truslow Adams

James Truslow Adams was an American writer and historian who coined the term 'American Dream' in his 1931 book 'Epic of America'. He was known for his rigorous research and writing on American history and culture. Adams' works often focused on the themes of opportunity and democracy, and he contributed significantly to the understanding of the American identity.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Founding of New England

    "The Founding of New England" is a comprehensive historical analysis of the establishment and growth of New England in the United States. The book delves into the early settlers' challenges, their interactions with Native Americans, the establishment of the colonies, and the political, social, and economic structures that shaped the region. It provides a detailed account of the Puritans' journey, their religious beliefs, and how these beliefs influenced the development of New England. The author's narrative presents a vivid picture of the trials, tribulations, and triumphs that marked the region's early history.