Ola Elizabeth Winslow

Ola Elizabeth Winslow was an American author, historian, and educator known for her works on American history and literature. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography in 1941 for her book 'Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758: A Biography.' Winslow was a professor at Wellesley College and also wrote other notable books, including 'Meetinghouse Hill, 1630-1783' and 'Samuel Sewall of Boston.'


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  1. 1. Johnathan Edward

    This book explores the life and work of Jonathan Edwards, a prominent American preacher, theologian, and missionary during the 18th century. The author delves into Edwards' personal life, his teachings, his role in the Great Awakening, and his significant influence on American Protestantism. The book also provides a comprehensive look at the social and religious climate of the time, offering readers a deeper understanding of Edwards' impact and legacy.