Katherine Dunn

Katherine Dunn was an American best-selling novelist, journalist, voice artist, radio personality, book reviewer, and poet, best known for her novel 'Geek Love' (1989). The novel was a finalist for the National Book Award and is a cult classic. Dunn's work is celebrated for its imaginative exploration of the unconventional, often focusing on physical deformity, the grotesque, and the underbelly of society. She was also known for her writings on boxing and her contributions to various publications.


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  1. 1. Geek Love: A Novel

    This novel follows the lives of the Binewski family, a group of circus performers who have been genetically modified by their parents to ensure their uniqueness and ability to draw in crowds. The story's narrator, Olympia, is a hunchback albino dwarf, and her siblings include Arturo, a boy with flippers for hands and feet, Iphy and Elly, Siamese twins, and Chick, who possesses telekinetic powers. The novel explores themes of love, family, and the concept of normality, all set against the backdrop of the family's traveling carnival.