Gilbert Sorrentino

Gilbert Sorrentino was an American novelist, poet, and literary critic, known for his inventive and experimental approach to writing. He was born on April 27, 1929, in Brooklyn, New York, and passed away on May 18, 2006. Sorrentino was a leading figure in the postmodern literary movement and was associated with the Black Mountain poets. He authored over 30 books, including the novels 'Mulligan Stew' and 'Crystal Vision', and was the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships. His work is characterized by its playful language, satirical tone, and often metafictional elements.


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  1. 1. Mulligan Stew

    "Mulligan Stew" is a postmodern novel that centers around an unsuccessful writer, Antony Lamont, who is attempting to pen a detective novel. The book is filled with literary and cultural references, parodying various genres and styles. It also features characters from his failed novel who are aware of their fictional status and openly rebel against their creator. The narrative is non-linear and includes letters, lists, interviews, and even a short play, creating a complex and satirical exploration of the writing process.