Jacques Lacan

Jacques Lacan was a prominent French psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, known for his influential contributions to psychoanalysis and psychology. He is best known for his reinterpretation of Sigmund Freud's work and his development of concepts such as the 'mirror stage,' the 'Real,' the 'Imaginary,' and the 'Symbolic.' Lacan's work has had a significant impact on various fields, including psychoanalysis, literary theory, and critical theory. His seminars and writings have shaped contemporary psychoanalytic thought and continue to be studied and debated by scholars and practitioners.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Écrits: The First Complete Edition in English

    This book is a comprehensive collection of essays by a renowned psychoanalyst, offering readers an in-depth understanding of his theories on human psychology. The author delves into complex topics such as the unconscious, the mirror stage, and the concept of the Other, while also exploring the intersection of psychoanalysis with philosophy, linguistics, and anthropology. The book challenges conventional understanding of subjectivity and identity, making it a seminal work in the field of psychoanalysis.