Gottfried Keller

Gottfried Keller (1819–1890) was a Swiss poet and writer of German literature. Best known for his novel 'Green Henry' (German: 'Der grüne Heinrich'), he was one of the most popular narrative authors in Switzerland during the 19th century. His works reflect the tensions between his commitment to realism and his idealistic, romantic tendencies. Keller's literature is notable for its detailed depiction of Swiss rural life and its use of Swiss dialects.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Green Henry

    "Green Henry" is a semi-autobiographical novel that chronicles the life of a young man who dreams of becoming a painter but faces countless obstacles on his journey. The protagonist leaves his Swiss village and travels to Munich to study art, but his lack of discipline and financial difficulties force him to return home. After his mother's death, he begins to reassess his life and eventually finds his place in society. The novel explores themes of identity, ambition, and the struggle between individual desires and societal expectations.

  2. 2. Tales

    The book is a collection of novellas and stories that explore the complexities of human nature, morality, and social life in the 19th-century German-speaking world. Through a blend of realism and poetic allegory, the narratives delve into the lives of characters from various social strata, examining their personal dilemmas, societal constraints, and quests for individuality. The stories often highlight the tension between personal desires and communal responsibilities, and they are infused with themes of love, justice, and the transformative power of art. The author's keen observation and subtle humor bring to life the rich tapestry of human experiences, making the work a timeless reflection on the human condition.