
Mencius, also known by his birth name Meng Ke or Mengzi, was a Chinese philosopher who is the most famous Confucian after Confucius himself. He lived during the Warring States period, which was roughly from 372 to 289 BCE. Mencius is best known for his belief in the inherent goodness of human nature and his advocacy for benevolent government and the cultivation of moral character. His dialogues were recorded in a book known as the 'Mencius', which became one of the Four Books of Confucianism.


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  1. 1. Mencius

    "Mencius" is a philosophical text that presents the teachings and thoughts of Mencius, a follower of Confucius. The book is a compilation of dialogues, anecdotes, and allegories that illustrate Mencius's views on human nature, morality, and political theory. Central to his philosophy is the belief in the inherent goodness of human nature and the importance of cultivating one's moral character. The book also discusses his ideas on proper governance, advocating for a benevolent and virtuous ruler who prioritizes the welfare of the people.