Yan Mo

Yan Mo, also known as Mo Yan, is a renowned Chinese novelist and short story writer. He is best known for his vivid storytelling and use of magical realism in his works. Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012, becoming the first Chinese resident to win the prize. His notable works include 'Red Sorghum', 'Big Breasts and Wide Hips', and 'The Garlic Ballads'. His writing often explores the social and political changes in China through detailed character development and rich narrative.


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  1. 1. The Garlic Ballads: A Novel

    The novel is a harsh critique of the Chinese government's agricultural policy. Set in 1980s China, it tells the story of the farmers of Paradise County, who are encouraged by the government to plant garlic, only to find that the government can't or won't buy their crops, leading to violent protests. The narrative is centered around three characters - Gao Yang, who has been arrested for leading the protests; his blind father, Gao Ma, who continues to struggle with the garlic harvest; and Jinju, the woman both men love. The book is a powerful exploration of corruption, love, the human spirit, and the struggle for justice in an oppressive regime.