Olaudah Equiano

Olaudah Equiano, also known as Gustavus Vassa, was an influential African author and abolitionist. Born in what is now Nigeria in 1745, he was enslaved as a child, transported to the Americas, and sold to British naval officers. He eventually purchased his freedom and became a key figure in the British abolitionist movement. Equiano's autobiography, 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano,' published in 1789, is one of the earliest known examples of a slave narrative and had a significant impact on the abolition of the slave trade in Britain.


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  1. 1. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano

    This autobiographical book tells the story of an African man who was kidnapped from his homeland as a child and sold into slavery. The narrative follows his life as he is transported across the Atlantic, sold to various masters, and eventually purchases his own freedom. The book provides a detailed account of the horrors of the Middle Passage and the inhumane conditions of slavery, while also serving as a powerful testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity.