José Hernández

José Hernández was an Argentine journalist, poet, and politician best known for his epic poem 'Martín Fierro,' which is a cornerstone of Argentine literature. Born on November 10, 1834, in Buenos Aires, he used his literary works to champion the gauchos (Argentine cowboys) and to protest the social injustices they faced during the 19th century. 'Martín Fierro' is a narrative poem that reflects the life, customs, and struggles of the gauchos against the encroaching European civilization. Hernández passed away on October 21, 1886, but his work remains a significant part of Latin American literature and Argentine culture.


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  1. 1. Martín Fierro

    "Martín Fierro" is an epic poem that tells the story of a gaucho, or Argentine cowboy, who is forcibly recruited to fight against indigenous tribes. He returns to find his home destroyed and his family gone, leading him to become an outlaw. The narrative explores themes of Argentine identity, the conflict between civilization and nature, and the injustices suffered by the gauchos. It is recognized as a foundational work of Argentine literature.