Frederik van Eeden

Frederik van Eeden was a late 19th and early 20th-century Dutch writer, poet, and psychiatrist. He was a leading figure in the Tachtigers, a group of young writers who brought about a literary revival in Dutch literature. Van Eeden's best-known work is 'De Kleine Johannes' ('The Little Johannes'), a fairy-tale-like novel that reflects his own spiritual journey and search for meaning. He was also involved in various social reform movements and founded a utopian community called Walden. His work often explored themes of psychology, personal development, and societal ideals.


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  1. 1. The Quest

    "The Quest" is a philosophical novel that delves into the journey of a man in search of truth and purpose in life. The protagonist, disillusioned with the materialistic society around him, embarks on a spiritual quest for enlightenment. His journey takes him through various experiences and encounters with different belief systems and philosophies, challenging his existing notions and beliefs. The book explores themes of existentialism, spirituality, and the human struggle for meaning.