Daniel Paul Schreber

Daniel Paul Schreber was a German judge who became famous for his memoirs, 'Denkwürdigkeiten eines Nervenkranken' (Memoirs of My Nervous Illness), which detail his experiences with mental illness. His case became an important study for psychiatry and psychoanalysis, particularly for figures such as Sigmund Freud, who analyzed Schreber's memoirs from a psychoanalytic perspective.


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  1. 1. Memoirs of My Nervous Illness

    The book is a personal account of a prominent German judge's struggle with severe mental illness. It provides a detailed and vivid description of his experiences with psychosis, hallucinations, and delusions, which he attributes to divine intervention and cosmic forces. The author's attempt to understand and make sense of his condition forms the core of this memoir, and his insights have been influential in the fields of psychology and psychiatry. His narrative is a unique exploration of the mind and its relationship with reality, providing an intimate perspective on mental illness.