António Lobo Antunes

António Lobo Antunes is a renowned Portuguese novelist and medical doctor. Born on September 1, 1942, in Lisbon, Portugal, he is known for his dense, introspective, and often somber narratives that frequently draw on his experiences as an army doctor during the Portuguese Colonial War in Angola. His writing style is characterized by a stream of consciousness approach and a complex structure, often blending reality with hallucination and memory. Some of his notable works include 'Os Cus de Judas' (The Land at the End of the World) and 'Memória de Elefante' (Elephant's Memory). Lobo Antunes has received numerous literary awards and is considered one of the leading figures in contemporary Portuguese literature.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Fado Alexandrino

    "Fado Alexandrino" is a complex narrative that follows the lives of four Portuguese men who meet at a dinner in Lisbon to commemorate their return from the colonial war in Mozambique ten years prior. Each man, representing different social classes, recounts his life before, during, and after the war, revealing their personal struggles and the impact of the war on their lives. The novel also reflects the political and social changes in Portugal from the dictatorship era to the revolution and its aftermath.

  2. 2. The Land At The End Of The World

    This novel is a poignant and harrowing account of the Angolan War of Independence from the perspective of a disillusioned Portuguese medic. Through a series of barroom confessions to an unnamed interlocutor, the narrator recounts his experiences of the brutal conflict, the horrors he witnessed, and the impact it had on his psyche. The narrative is a blend of vivid war memories and reflections on the post-war life, exploring themes of love, loss, and the haunting legacy of colonialism. The author's rich, poetic language and innovative storytelling techniques create a powerful, immersive experience, capturing the futility of war and the indelible scars it leaves on individuals and nations alike.

  3. 3. The Return Of The Caravels

    In this novel, the ghosts of Portugal's colonial past return to haunt the present, as the caravels from the age of exploration sail back into the Tagus River, bringing with them the historical figures from the 15th and 16th centuries. The narrative weaves together the lives of these returned explorers with those of contemporary Lisbon's denizens, blurring the lines between past and present. Through a series of interconnected stories, the book explores themes of identity, nostalgia, and the complex legacy of colonialism, as characters grapple with the dissolution of the Portuguese empire and the reintegration of its former colonies, reflecting on the impact of history on individual lives and national consciousness.

  4. 4. Treaty Of The Soul's Passions

    "Treaty of the Soul's Passions" is a profound exploration of human emotions and the complexities of the inner self. Through a series of interconnected stories and reflections, the narrative delves into the depths of love, despair, joy, and suffering, painting a vivid picture of the human condition. The author masterfully weaves a tapestry of characters and experiences, each revealing different facets of the soul's journey through life. With poetic language and rich psychological insight, the book invites readers to confront their own passions and question the nature of existence itself.