Eduardo Mendoza

Eduardo Mendoza is a renowned Spanish novelist born on January 11, 1943, in Barcelona, Spain. He has received critical acclaim for his contributions to contemporary Spanish literature, particularly for his humorous and satirical works. Mendoza's writing often explores social and political issues through a comedic lens. His notable works include 'La verdad sobre el caso Savolta' (The Truth About the Savolta Case), which marked his literary debut, 'La ciudad de los prodigios' (The City of Marvels), and 'Sin noticias de Gurb' (No Word from Gurb). He was awarded the Cervantes Prize, the most prestigious literary award in the Spanish-speaking world, in 2016.


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  1. 1. A Light Comedy

    "A Light Comedy" is a humorous tale set in Barcelona during the 1940s, centered around a middle-aged woman who, after losing everything in the Civil War, uses her wits and cunning to survive. She turns her apartment into a boarding house for single ladies, but when the business starts to falter, she decides to concoct a plan to marry a rich American. The novel is filled with a colorful cast of characters, and is a satirical commentary on the social and political climate of the time.