Frank Schatzing

Frank Schätzing is a German author best known for his bestselling science fiction novel 'The Swarm' (Der Schwarm). Born on May 28, 1957, in Cologne, he initially pursued a career in advertising before turning to writing. Schätzing's works often blend scientific facts with thrilling fiction, and he has received several awards for his writing. In addition to 'The Swarm,' his other notable works include 'Limit' and 'Breaking News.'


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  1. 1. The Swarm

    "The Swarm" is a science fiction novel that explores the disastrous consequences of mankind's exploitation of the world's oceans. The narrative follows a group of scientists around the world as they try to understand a series of inexplicable, catastrophic natural disasters. They eventually discover that these events are not random but are the result of a collective intelligence in the sea, a swarm of marine life that has decided to fight back against humanity's destruction of their habitat. The book combines elements of ecological thriller, disaster novel, and speculative fiction as it explores the potential consequences of human interference with the natural world.