The Greatest "Deptford" Books of All Time

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This list represents a comprehensive and trusted collection of the greatest books. Developed through a specialized algorithm, it brings together 286 'best of' book lists to form a definitive guide to the world's most acclaimed books. For those interested in how these books are chosen, additional details can be found on the rankings page.

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The "Deptford" category of books refers to a genre that is intrinsically linked to the "Deptford Trilogy" by Canadian novelist Robertson Davies. This trilogy, consisting of "Fifth Business," "The Manticore," and "World of Wonders," weaves together elements of psychological depth, myth, and the supernatural within the setting of the small Canadian village of Deptford. Books in the "Deptford" category would likely explore the complexities of human nature, the interplay between fate and free will, and the impact of past events on present lives. They might also delve into the mystical and arcane, often drawing on literary and historical references, while maintaining a strong sense of place that anchors the narrative in a richly detailed community akin to Davies' fictional Deptford. This category would appeal to readers who enjoy character-driven stories that blend the mundane with the metaphysical, and who appreciate a narrative that invites introspection and philosophical musing.

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  1. 1. Fifth Business by Robertson Davies

    The novel follows the life of Dunstan Ramsay, a man haunted by a childhood accident that he believes he caused. The book explores his guilt and its impact on his life, as well as his relationships with others, including a woman he loves but cannot have, a brilliant but troubled friend, and a saintly fool. Throughout his life, Ramsay seeks redemption and understanding in the realms of history, mythology, and religion.

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