Extreme Classics: The 100 Greatest Adventure Books of All Time

This is one of the 288 lists we use to generate our main The Greatest Books list.

  • One Man's Mountains by Tom Patey

    This book is a collection of essays and poems reflecting on the adventures and experiences of a renowned Scottish mountaineer. The author shares his passion for climbing and the outdoors, recounting his daring escapades in the Scottish Highlands, the Alps, and the Himalayas. The book also includes his introspective thoughts on the philosophy of mountaineering, the risks and rewards of the sport, and his personal triumphs and tragedies.

About this list

National Geographic Adventure Magazine, 101 Books

The 100 greatest adventure books chosen by National Geographic.

Added about 10 years ago.

How Good is this List?

This list has a weight of 22%. To learn more about what this means please visit the Rankings page.

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  • Voters: no voter information
  • List: only covers 1 specific genre

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