The 101 GREATEST PLAYS of the Past 100 Years (1920-2020)

This is one of the 300 lists we use to generate our main The Greatest Books list.

  • Other Desert Cities by Jon Robin Baitz

    In the play, a family reunion during Christmas in Palm Springs is disrupted when the daughter, an aspiring writer, announces her plans to publish a memoir that revives a tragic event in the family's history. The revelation threatens to tear the family apart as secrets are unearthed and differing memories and perspectives come to light. The family members, including two parents with a history in Hollywood and politics, an aunt who was a former screenwriter, and an addict brother, all must confront their past and the impact of the daughter's book on their future. The play delves into themes of family loyalty, political responsibility, and the elusive nature of truth.

    The 10711th Greatest Book of All Time
  • Slave Play by Jeremy O. Harris

    The play is a provocative examination of race, sex, and power dynamics through the lens of interracial relationships. Set on a Southern plantation that hosts an antebellum-themed sex therapy retreat, the narrative follows three modern-day interracial couples as they engage in an experimental therapy to address their issues. The therapy involves role-playing scenarios from the slavery era, which leads to intense and often uncomfortable confrontations of historical and contemporary racial traumas. The play challenges audiences to reflect on the lingering impact of slavery on personal and societal relationships, while questioning the effectiveness and ethics of unconventional therapeutic methods.

    The 10819th Greatest Book of All Time
About this list

Broadway World, 102 Books

The 101 GREATEST PLAYS of the Past 100 Years (1920-2020) as determined by Peter Nason

Added 2 months ago.

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  • Voters: 1 person voted
  • List: only covers 1 specific genre
  • List: only covers 100 years

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