The Greatest Russian "Fiction" Books Since 1900

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  1. 26. Envy by Yury Olesha

    The novel is a satirical exploration of the conflict between the old, pre-revolutionary generation and the new Soviet order. It centers on Nikolai Kavalerov, a man who finds himself homeless and disillusioned with the socialist society around him. He is taken in by Andrei Babichev, an ardent supporter of the new regime and the creator of the perfect Soviet food, the "Olympian sausage." Kavalerov becomes envious of Babichev's success and his revolutionary brother Ivan, leading to a psychological struggle that reflects the larger societal tensions of the time. The narrative delves into themes of identity, purpose, and the nature of envy, as characters grapple with their roles in a rapidly changing world.

  2. 27. August 1914 by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    "August 1914" is a historical novel set during the early days of World War I, focusing on the disastrous Battle of Tannenberg on the Eastern Front. The book provides a detailed portrayal of the Russian army's defeat, largely due to incompetent leadership and lack of communication. The narrative also delves into the lives of the soldiers and civilians involved, offering a broad examination of Russian society and the impending revolution.

  3. 28. The Clay Machine-gun by Victor Pelevin

    "The Clay Machine-gun" is a surreal and complex novel that explores the nature of reality and illusion. The story is set in post-Soviet Russia and follows a protagonist who has multiple identities, including a poet in 19th-century Russia, a 20th-century psychiatric patient, and a 21st-century advertising executive. The narrative moves between these identities and realities, blurring the lines between them and creating a layered and philosophical exploration of Russian society, identity, and the human psyche.

  4. 29. Happy Moscow by Andrey Platonov

    "Happy Moscow" is a satirical novel set in the Soviet Union during the height of Stalinist rule, following the life of a young woman, Moscow Chestnova, who is named after the capital city. Despite the harsh realities of life under an authoritarian regime, she maintains a positive and optimistic outlook, symbolizing the Soviet Union's propaganda that promoted an image of a happy and prosperous society. The novel, through its characters and their experiences, explores the paradoxes and contradictions of the Soviet society, challenging the official narrative of happiness and prosperity.

  5. 30. Other Fires by Maxim Gorky

    This book delves into the lives of individuals grappling with the harsh realities of the Russian lower class at the turn of the 20th century. Through a series of interconnected stories, the narrative explores themes of poverty, injustice, and the struggle for survival in a society marked by deep social divides. The characters, each facing their own battles against a backdrop of societal turmoil, seek solace and meaning in their lives, often through acts of rebellion or the pursuit of personal freedom. The work is a poignant reflection on human resilience and the quest for dignity amidst the challenges of an unforgiving social landscape.

  6. 31. The Road To Calvary by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy

    This historical novel delves into the tumultuous period of the Russian Revolution and Civil War, tracing the lives and fates of two sisters, Dasha and Katya Bulavina, who navigate the chaotic landscape of early 20th-century Russia. Through their eyes, readers experience the dramatic shifts in society and personal relationships brought on by the upheaval. The narrative captures the complexity of the era, exploring themes of loyalty, betrayal, love, and loss against the backdrop of a country undergoing profound transformation. The sisters' journey is a poignant exploration of how historical events shape individual destinies and the human capacity for resilience in the face of adversity.

  7. 32. The Lower Depths by Maksim Gorky

    The book is a stark depiction of the lives of the impoverished and dispossessed at the bottom of the Russian social ladder in the early 20th century. Set in a squalid shelter, it presents a group of destitute individuals from various backgrounds—thieves, prostitutes, and the down-and-out—who share their stories and philosophies as they grapple with the harsh realities of poverty and survival. The narrative delves into themes of human suffering, the struggle for dignity, and the elusive nature of truth, offering a grim commentary on the social conditions of the time and the human condition itself.

  8. 33. Soul and Other Stories by Andrey Platonov

    "Soul and Other Stories" is a collection of short stories that delve into the human condition and the struggle for identity in a world filled with political and social upheaval. The stories are set in a variety of contexts, from the harsh landscapes of Central Asia to the chaos of the Russian Revolution. The characters are often faced with existential crises, grappling with questions of purpose, meaning, and morality. The narrative is marked by a unique blend of philosophical inquiry, poetic prose, and a deep sense of empathy for the human plight.

  9. 34. Sofia Petrovna by Lydia Chukovskaya

    The book is a poignant narrative set during the Stalinist purges of the 1930s in the Soviet Union. It follows the story of a loyal and hardworking widow who is confronted with the brutal reality of the regime when her beloved son is arrested on false charges. As she navigates the Kafkaesque bureaucracy to seek justice for her son, her faith in the government and its policies is shattered. The novel offers a harrowing look at the terror of the Great Purge and the impact of political oppression on the lives of ordinary citizens, as the protagonist grapples with the disintegration of her world and the moral dilemmas posed by a society steeped in fear and denunciations.

  10. 35. Little Devil by Fedor Sologub

    "Little Devil" is a dark and symbolic tale set in pre-revolutionary Russia, exploring the themes of evil and corruption through the eyes of a young boy. The protagonist, an outcast in his rural village, is both tormented and fascinated by the malevolent forces he perceives around him. As he delves deeper into his own imagination and the sinister aspects of human nature, the line between reality and fantasy blurs, leading to a series of tragic events. The novel delves into the psychological and moral decay of its characters, reflecting the broader societal decay of the time.

  11. 36. Goat Song by Konstantin Vaginov

    "Goat Song" is a satirical novel that delves into the life of a disillusioned intellectual in post-revolutionary Russia. The protagonist, a poet, grapples with the banality and absurdity of his existence in a society undergoing rapid and disorienting change. Through a series of allegorical and often surreal episodes, the narrative critiques the cultural and spiritual decay of the time, juxtaposing classical references and modernist sensibilities to explore themes of artistic integrity, societal collapse, and the search for meaning in a world that seems increasingly hostile to the individual's quest for identity and purpose.

  12. 37. Chevengur by Andrey Platonov

    The book is a complex and philosophical tale set in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, exploring the lives of various characters in a small town as they grapple with the utopian ideals of communism and the harsh realities of its implementation. Through the experiences of these characters, including a young revolutionary and a disenchanted wanderer, the narrative delves into themes of human nature, societal transformation, and the search for meaning in a world undergoing radical change. The story's blend of surrealism, poetic language, and political commentary creates a unique and often disquieting examination of the Soviet dream and the disillusionment that followed its pursuit.

  13. 38. The Twelve by Alexander Blok

    "The Twelve" is a controversial and symbolist Russian poem that weaves together the chaotic and transformative energy of the 1917 Russian Revolution with mystical and religious elements. Set against the backdrop of a blizzard in Petrograd, the narrative follows twelve Red Army soldiers as they march through the city's streets, grappling with their purpose and the violent upheaval of the old order. The poem is renowned for its vivid imagery, complex allegories, and the provocative inclusion of a Christ-like figure amidst the revolutionary fervor, challenging readers to interpret the convergence of spiritual and political themes.

  14. 39. The White Guard by Mikhail Bulgakov

    Set against the backdrop of the Ukrainian city of Kiev during the tumultuous Russian Civil War of 1918, the novel follows the Turbin family as they navigate the chaos and shifting allegiances of the time. The story focuses on the two Turbin brothers, who are officers in the White Guard, a faction fighting to preserve the Russian Empire against the encroaching Bolshevik Red Army. As the city is besieged and alliances falter, the family grapples with questions of loyalty, survival, and the meaning of home amidst the collapse of the old world and the uncertainty of the new. The narrative combines a rich portrayal of historical events with a deeply personal family saga, exploring themes of courage, brotherhood, and the tragic futility of war.

  15. 40. The Life of Insects by Victor Pelevin

    "The Life of Insects" is a surreal novel that explores the complexities of post-Soviet Russia through the lens of a bizarre seaside community of humans who transform into various types of insects. The narrative unfolds through a series of interconnected stories that delve into the characters' struggles, dreams, and fears, serving as a metaphor for the human condition. The book provides a satirical commentary on society's ills, touching on themes of capitalism, corruption, and the search for identity in a rapidly changing world.

  16. 41. Hadji Murat by Leo Tolstoy

    The novella centers on the real-life figure Hadji Murat, a 19th-century Chechen rebel commander who, after a falling out with his own leader, Imam Shamil, defects to the Russians for a chance to avenge his family. Caught between the complex military and cultural conflicts of the Russian Empire and the fiercely independent Chechen tribes, Murat's struggle for honor, survival, and revenge reflects the brutal realities of the Caucasian War. As he navigates the treacherous political landscape, his story becomes a poignant exploration of loyalty, betrayal, and the dichotomies of human nature.

  17. 42. The Old Woman by Daniil Kharms

    "The Old Woman" is a surreal and darkly comedic novella that follows the bizarre experiences of an unnamed narrator after an old woman unexpectedly dies in his apartment. The narrative, characterized by absurdity and illogical events, delves into the protagonist's struggle to dispose of the body, which becomes an increasingly grotesque and farcical endeavor. As the story progresses, the line between reality and the absurd blurs, reflecting the author's exploration of meaninglessness and the breakdown of rational order in a world that defies conventional understanding.

  18. 43. The Luzhin Defense by Vladimir Nabokov

    The novel centers around a Russian chess prodigy whose life becomes consumed by the game of chess. As he rises to international fame, his obsession with chess leads to a detachment from reality and a decline in his personal life. The protagonist's intense focus on chess strategies begins to invade his perception of the world, blurring the boundaries between the game and his own existence. This culminates in a psychological crisis during a critical championship match, where the line between his mental breakdown and a sophisticated defense strategy becomes indistinguishable, reflecting the protagonist's struggle to maintain his sanity amidst the all-consuming nature of his passion.

  19. 44. Dark Avenues by Ivan Bunin

    "Dark Avenues" is a collection of short stories that delve into the complex and often shadowy aspects of human love and relationships. Set primarily in Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution, the tales explore the passions, betrayals, and yearnings of a diverse cast of characters, from aristocrats to peasants. The author's rich prose and deep psychological insight paint a vivid picture of the era and the timeless nature of love's joys and sorrows. Each story in the collection stands as a testament to the author's mastery of the short story form and his ability to capture the nuances of the human heart.

  20. 45. A Poem Without A Hero by Anna Akhmatova

    The book is a profound reflection on the nature of memory, history, and the enduring impact of war. Through a series of interconnected poems, the work weaves together personal and collective experiences, focusing on the tumultuous events of the Russian Revolution and the subsequent Stalinist era. The poet grapples with the themes of loss, betrayal, and the search for redemption, while also paying homage to the artists and thinkers who suffered under repressive regimes. Rich in allusions and steeped in a complex interplay of voices and time periods, the narrative serves as a poignant meditation on the role of the poet and the power of poetry to bear witness to the tragedies of the past.

  21. 46. Norma by Vladimir Sorokin

    The book is a surreal narrative that delves into the life of a woman with an extraordinary physiological trait—her breast milk possesses remarkable healing properties. As word of her unique ability spreads, she becomes a valuable commodity in a society that is both fascinated and obsessed with the potential of her gift. The story unfolds in a dystopian world where the protagonist must navigate the complexities of exploitation, power, and the human condition, all while grappling with the implications of her own body's capabilities and the relentless demands placed upon her by those seeking to harness her unusual power for their own purposes.

  22. 47. The Town Of N by Leonid Dobychin

    The book is a modernist Russian novel that provides a vivid portrayal of provincial life in the early 20th century through the eyes of a young boy. The narrative is a mosaic of fragmented episodes and character sketches, capturing the peculiarities, hypocrisies, and small joys of the inhabitants of a typical Russian town. The protagonist's observations and experiences reflect the social changes and unrest of the period, offering a subtle critique of the era's norms and the impact of historical forces on everyday life. The novel's experimental style and disjointed structure mirror the confusion and transformation of a society on the brink of revolution.

  23. 48. A Cloud In Trousers by Vladimir Mayakovsky

    This early 20th-century poetic masterpiece blends revolutionary fervor with intense personal emotions, reflecting the tumultuous era of its creation. The work is a four-part epic poem that delves into the author's passionate and tumultuous love affair, juxtaposing his individual romantic experience with broader social and political upheaval. The poet's innovative use of language, rhythm, and imagery breaks from traditional forms, mirroring the chaotic spirit of the time and the poet's desire for both personal and societal transformation. Through vivid and often jarring metaphors, the poem conveys a sense of disillusionment with love and the contemporary social order, while also expressing a fervent hope for a new and better world.

  24. 49. Cases by Daniil Kharms

    The book is a collection of absurdist short stories that reflect the author's unique take on the Soviet reality of his time. Through a series of bizarre and darkly humorous vignettes, the author explores themes of meaninglessness, the breakdown of logic, and the unpredictability of human existence. His characters often find themselves in surreal situations that defy conventional understanding, highlighting the author's fascination with the illogical and the nonsensical. The work serves as both a critique of the societal norms of the era and an example of the avant-garde literary movement to which the author belonged.

  25. 50. Zangezi by Velimir Khlebnikov

    "Zangezi" is a complex avant-garde poem that blends elements of drama and epic literature to explore the themes of language, revolution, and cosmic philosophy. The work is structured around the titular prophet-like figure who communicates with both humans and celestial beings, delivering cryptic and prophetic messages. Through a series of chants, monologues, and dialogues, the text delves into the nature of existence and the power of words, employing a unique linguistic style that reflects the author's fascination with the transformative potential of language and his vision of a future shaped by a universal human culture. The poem is known for its experimental use of sound, language, and its radical departure from traditional narrative forms, reflecting the tumultuous changes of the early 20th century and the search for new means of expression.

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