The 100 Best Books in the World

This is one of the 291 lists we use to generate our main The Greatest Books list.

  • Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en

    "Journey to the West" is a classic Chinese novel that follows the adventures of a Buddhist monk and his three disciples, a monkey, a pig, and a river monster, as they travel from China to India in search of sacred Buddhist scriptures. Along the way, they face a series of challenges and obstacles, including battling demons and overcoming their own personal weaknesses. This epic tale is a blend of mythology, folklore, and fantasy, and is also a commentary on the practice and principles of Buddhism.

About this list (in German), 101 Books

German bookseller website makes their selection for the "100 greatest books ever written".

Added over 9 years ago.

How Good is this List?

This list has a weight of 30%. To learn more about what this means please visit the Rankings page.

Here is a list of what is decreasing the importance of this list:

  • Voters: no voter information
  • List: Creator of the list, sells the books on the list
  • Voters: are mostly from a single country/location

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